Genealogy Do-Over: Month 2 Goals – The Global Tofay

Genealogy Do-Over: Month 2 Goals - The Global Tofay Global Today

Well, considering it’s technically Month 4 of the 2017 Genealogy Do-Over, and I am still working on Month 2 goals, I guess it is safe to say that the one thing I have learned from this is SLOOOOOOWWWWW DOOOOOWWWWNNN….and smell the roses. That’s one of Thomas’s main points of the do-over. He stresses that we often get ahead of ourselves. I am definitely guilty. 

Looking back at Month One, I still have some warm-up exercises that I need to implement. For instance, my desk is still messy. No fear. My auntie will be here in a little over a week to help me get my office organized. I also have not been researching with a glass of water. Oops. I guess that one is not extremely important to the research process itself, but I think I work better with it. And I have not been good at the timer thing. I think once the desk gets cleaned off, I can work with a timer better. But that is really not an excuse. I need to be timing myself to prevent getting too tired and frustrated doing my research.

On another note, I have been doing well with organizing my research into OneNote surname notebooks. I started with myself and then moved on to my parents and grandparents. Right now I am working on the OneNote folder for my paternal grandparents. I no longer just hop onto and start searching for records and then entering the source citation into RootsMagic. I am actually transcribing my sources and copying images of them into OneNote and doing an analysis of each source document in Evidentia. This is definitely progress. I have even referred to ESM’s Evidence Explained once or twice to make sure a citation was correct.

I was debating whether to do a research plan and log for those events that I have already researched and cited in RootsMagic, particularly for the ones that are pretty straightforward. I did a few at first, but then decided that it would be better to just analyze the source document in Evidentia, and then print a proof report for each event. For instance, my paternal grandfather’s birth date is consistent among all sources (delayed birth record, death record, marriage record, military record, etc). They are already cited in my RootsMagic program. I will just put all of the records giving his date of birth into Evidentia and then run a proof report on his date of birth. I just don’t think it makes sense to go backwards and create a research plan or research log for research already completed. Of course, that doesn’t mean I can’t continue to look for new documents that would prove his date of birth. For those, I will include them on a research log (and possibly research plan if there are multiple documents that I am still looking for). 

Actually, this kind of leads into Month 2 goals of setting base practices and guidelines. Below is what I came up with:

  1. Start with myself.
  2. Fill out research log and
    to-do list (or enter source documents into Evidentia and print proof report if research has already been completed and is well documented in RootsMagic).
  3. Use research log to determine
    who/what to research next.
  4. Use research plan worksheet
    to develop research plan (if necessary).
  5. Use to-do list to determine
    what records to search for.
  6. Check To-Be-Entered folders
    (paper and electronic) for records already obtained.
  7. Record search attempts in
    research log, even if negative.
  8. Use Evidentia to record and
    analyze findings for each source document.
  9. Save copy of source image to
    appropriate folder on computer.
  10. Record clippings, scanned
    images, and transcripts in surname notebook in OneNote. Follow guidelines
    of Chronological Surnames notebook (by Erin
    Williamson Klein).
  11. Print record and place it in
    paper file folder for couple or parents (if not married).
  12. Use OneNote to record
    clippings and scanned images of BSO’s. Have an Inbox section in each
    surname notebook. This will be the holding/to be entered area of the
  13. Add research goals gleaned
    from BSO to research log.
  14. Add research conclusions
    gleaned from Evidentia into RootsMagic.

Thomas recommended coming up with 5 base practices and guidelines because more than that may get overwhelming. Obviously, I ignored his recommendation. I am an accountant and like to get very detailed. Some of these steps are only if necessary steps anyway and may not be used every time. A couple of them are steps that will only be used for Bright Shiny Objects (BSO). Actually, Step #1 is a step that I will only use in this do-over. Obviously, I will not start with myself every single time I start to research. Actually, I could probably sum some of these up a bit and make the list a little shorter. I might do that. 

The other goal for Month 2 is to establish research goals. As I have been adding info to my OneNote notebooks, I have added a few items to my to-do list. For instance, I realized that I have no idea where my grandparents lived when my grandfather was stationed in Norfolk, Virginia, from 1954-1957 with the U.S. Navy. One of my goals is now to find out where they lived by consulting the city directories for Norfolk and Portsmouth from 1954-1957. I found that the city directories are located at the local library in Norfolk as well as at the Library of Virginia. 

However, I still need to fine tune my research goals. That is probably something I need to slow down and document. I did add the Norfolk city directories to my to-do list, but I don’t think I added anything to my research log. I think I might backtrack a little and work on establishing my research goals before moving on to Month 3. Stay tuned for my next blog topic about research goals…

#Genealogy #DoOver #Month #Goals

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