Gluttony, we can find it everywhere we look nowadays, especially at smorgasbord type dinners. It doesn’t matter if it is at your local all you can eat buffet, or at a gathering of friends, family, or church potluck dinners. Some people when offered up all you can eat food, whether it is paid for or free, are going to load their plates up high with tons of simple carbohydrates, protein, and a lot of fat and MSG which enhances the flavors to keep you coming back for more. And then watch out for the desserts…
Brenda Sue and I have had countless discussions with people lamenting about how they cannot lose their weight no matter what diets they have tried in the past. The problem is that it has been a very small percentage of the thousands of people we have worked with that ever take personal responsibility for what they put into their mouths. I know this might ruffle some feathers, but you’ll just have to get over it Cupcake, I am not diluting our message for anyone. One of the numerous discussions Brenda Sue and I have had since beginning this website is that no matter what, we are never going to waver on our weight-loss and nutritional maxims.
Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. (Philippians 3:19)
One area of gluttony which drives me specifically crazy is potluck dinners at church functions. As a part of my Christian faith, I know that I can teach about any and every sin under the sun except for gluttony. Gluttony is a sin that many Christians find easy to laugh about and accept as harmless while sins such as being an alcoholic or adulterer are quickly attacked. The sin of gluttony is idolatry – it is a choice to self-love, comfort, and control through food.
God has blessed us all with bodies which are wonderfully made, yet many people, including myself in past years have caused harm through gluttonous eating. About twenty years ago I was told that I was prediabetic and that if I did not begin controlling what I ate, I would be diabetic for real in a short amount of time.
We have bodies, prepared for us by our Father, to carry out his will in the world, to do good with our bodies, to use them to advance Christ’s kingdom and glory, in bodily acts prompted by faith, and words that give meaning to our acts. We not only have negatives to avoid, but a great positive to pursue: “glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:20).
We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1) — and present our members not as instruments of sin but of righteousness (Romans 6:13). Will that be active or sedentary? Most likely, and most often, it will take at least some modest movement, effort, exertion, action — sometimes vigorous action.
The question is not whether we Christians need our bodies to carry out our God-given calling in this physical world, but will we be ready to use them as each new day presents us fresh opportunities? Or will we let our age condition our bodies to slow us down, to keep us still, to feel like liabilities rather than assets in the call of Christ?
Will we be “conformed to this world” and its sedentary defaults, and let it flatten our faith and calling, or will we be “transformed by the renewal of your mind” so that we will not only be able to “discern what is the will of God” (Romans 12:2) but also be ready and able to present our bodies and do it?
We must upkeep our bodies!
C.S. Lewis has a balancing word for us about “Brother Ass,” as he called it. Our bodies are “both pathetically and absurdly beautiful.” They are “a useful, sturdy, lazy, obstinate, patient, lovable and infuriating beast; deserving now the stick and now a carrot.” And to accent our calling to make good use of these bodies is not to dishonor disability, but to dignify it as real loss and pain and trial.
Nutrition and exercise not only makes us healthier and happier, it also facilitates our calling to love others more that we love ourselves. And in so loving, in the name of Jesus, our joy in him deepens and expands. Gluttony and sedentary living does not glorify our Lord and Savior in any form or fashion.
Gluttony is the sin of over-consumption, of indulgence, and of inevitable self-destruction. God wants to be first in everyone’s lives, and the flesh should never take His place.
Humanity was made for more than to merely serve physical appetites. Excuses about not being able to lose weight are really quite tiresome – I write these words with a true love for others. The bottom line when it comes to being obese and out of shape is that you eat too many calories, and you do not move your body enough to burn what you have consumed.
In finishing up this article, our publishing software gigged me for not using inclusive language. Here is their flag: Be careful when using obese as it is potentially harmful. Consider using an alternative, such as has a higher weight, higher-weight person, person in higher weight body, heavier person, unless referring to someone who explicitly wants to be referred to with this term. Alternatively, if talking about a specific person, use their preferred descriptor if known.
Brenda Sue and I began this website in order to educate free of charge to all who care to know about weight-loss and weight-management. My theory is that although I have a great love for others, I will not try to keep from offending people by not using politically correct language. If you are offended by my use of the word obese, just be glad that I didn’t use any other descriptors. The bottom line is – if you are offended, you are more likely to remember the lesson in the article than if I wrote with the intent of not getting people’s dander up.
The truth is, whether you want to admit it or not, you who have a problem with excess body fat simply eat too many calories with the foods and the quantity thereof what you feed yourself. Go to our drop down menu and click on the David’s Way Plan directly underneath our Home page menu tab. There, you can learn all that you need to know about losing weight, and then keeping it off for good. Then, peruse the over 1300 articles and recipes that we have written for your benefit.
Give us a trial over the course of two months, and then let us know how well you did. It is free to all who seek a straight forward, common sense plan to manage your weight.
Note: Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or weight-loss plan.
#Gluttony #Smorgasbord