The Key to Building Spiritual Strength · Faithful Workouts – The Global Tofay

The Key to Building Spiritual Strength · Faithful Workouts - The Global Tofay Global Today

The Key to Building Spiritual Strength

A biblical example of reliance leading to resilience 

Let’s play a quick game – Name the first three books of the Bible that come to mind. 


I tested this out on a few people in my life and loved hearing their responses. 

My close friend: Matthew, Mark, and Luke 

My mom: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus 

My husband: Psalms…uh uh…Acts and………James! 


If you ask someone this same question, I’m willing to bet that Nehemiah will not be among the first three listed. 

This is exactly why I want to spend some time discussing the book – and person – of Nehemiah. 


While revisiting this book, I was inspired by his example of obedience and amazed by his spiritual strength. His story is often overlooked, but it stands as a testament to the strength that comes from full reliance on God. 

First off, what is spiritual strength? There’s a great quote from American Basketball Coach John Wooden that sums it up well. He said, “Physical strength is measured by what one can carry; spiritual strength by what one can bear.” 

As sons and daughters of God, we are under constant attack from satan. There is nothing the creep wants more than to make us spiritually weak by hitting us with blow after blow after blow until we can bear no more. This is why building our spiritual strength is so important, and Nehemiah shows us one powerful way to do it: relying on God


One of the things I love about Nehemiah is that he was just an “ordinary” guy. The Bible (especially the Old Testament) is filled with prophets, priests, and kings who God uses in remarkable ways to advance his Kingdom. But Nehemiah is a reminder that God also uses ordinary people living their ordinary lives. People like you and me! 

Nehemiah worked in the palace as cupbearer to the Persian king. This was actually a significant title, since it allowed him to personally speak with the King. When he is told that the wall of Jerusalem was destroyed, though, he calls out to God with a heart of humility and submission. He feels called to lead a group back to Jerusalem to help rebuild the wall. So, without a second thought, he leaves this respected position. 


Can you imagine that? Leaving behind a job that is reputable and enjoyable for one that is dangerous and difficult? 

As he led the rebuilding of the city wall, opponents quickly arose. On SEVERAL occasions, enemies attempted to stop the work. They ridiculed Nehemiah, tried to discourage the workers, and planned attacks on the city. 

How did Nehemiah respond to the threats? By stating his confidence in God. 


When leaders of surrounding nations mocked him, he simply said:

“The God of heaven will give us success”

Nehemiah 2:20

When the workers learned of an upcoming attack against them, he encouraged them, saying:

“Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome.” 

Nehemiah 4:14


The wall of Jerusalem had been in ruin for over 100 years. But, because of Nehemiah’s reliance on God, he led the people to rebuild it in only 52 days! Not only was the city once again protected by a wall, but the enemies recognized the power of God

The same thing can happen in our daily lives. When we rely on God to help us through times of trouble, He equips us with spiritual strength that sends our enemies running in fear. 

What is one area of your life where you can rely more fully on God? 


Abbey holds a degree in journalism from Indiana University Bloomington. Her favorite topics to cover are spiritual growth and development, holistic health, and human interest stories. Currently, she and her husband live in Michigan where she works in active ministry. In her free time you’ll likely find her nose deep in a book, leading group fitness classes, or experimenting in the kitchen. 


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